Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm orchid... This is my tale....

Hello people...
I'm Orchid...
My real name is Venkatesh Karthik. I'm an Indian. I'm from Chennai... a less familiar metropolis in south India.
Orchid.... You might be wondering.... "Isn't that a rather quaint name for a guy??"... Well.. I'm in perfect agreement to your doubt... Bottomline... I like orchids... I love them... And so i have chosen the name.... quite simple..
I'd like to share a few things about myself so that you could have a fair analect of my mind...
I'm 19 and I'm currently pursuing my Undergraduation in Computer Science and Engineering in Anna University, one of the best of its kind in south India. My parents also hail from Chennai though my forefathers are "Tanjore Brahmins"....
I've been raised in a conservative family although, I'm very broad-minded. I am a person who firmly believes that, as each and every person differs in his/her demeanour, so does he/she in his/her spirit.... Each person is unique and I quite find the stereotypism that many people find, existing among persons , prepostrous...
I have interests in varying domains, a few of them , I would gladly like to share..
English- The language that had, in the past, and still does mystify me leaving me in total awe with its every word. A language with many comports, each of which blissfully takes me to heaven, upon recogonising it...
French- Although i'm an amateur in this field, I admire french for it's elegance, splendour, it's lydian beauty and its imposing structure. Not to mention it's extensive linguistic treat that spreads right from a nice collection of words to it's muted yet strong grammar.
Microprocessors- The fact that, being a student of Computer Science for almost three years, and still having not cultivated an interest to the field is, i know.... quite unforgiving... But Microprocessors is one of the areas in CS that had amazed me. It was something in which I found a rather unpredicted interest.
Western music- My only solace at times of stress..
Oil painting- I'm no Michelangelo... but I can work a tiny charm with a piece of canvas.
Photography, movies , electronic circuits, reading , playing etc etc...
I'm a person who believes in hard work... I would attribute the position at which I am now, only to that...
Well.. I guess that's enough about me...
I've upload a few pictures...
The Orchid.... The personnification of immaculate beauty!!
The tulip... my next favorite...
This is a picture of the Gulmohar flower that i took during the monsoon.... You could actually see the rain drop on it...
Doesn't it have the lovliest stamens??
Lal Bagh gardens in Bangalore... kinda reminds you of the japanese gardens doesn't it??
My next few topics would be on:
My trip to Goa
My college life

One of the most important reasons on my starting to blog is to obtain a better command over my language.. As this is my first blog, I would kindly reques you to bear with my mistakes..
See you soon..